function opnmldoc(topic) %OPNMLDOC Display OPNML/MATLAB5 HTML documentation in Web browser. % % OPNMLDOC, by itself, launches the Help Desk. % % OPNMLDOC FUNCTION displays the HTML documentation for the MATLAB % function FUNCTION. If FUNCTION is overloaded, doc % lists the overloaded functions in the MATLAB command % window. %% % Examples: % opnmldoc lcontour % This is an OPNML hack of the MATLAB/doc command. % Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 5.33 $ $Date: 1997/11/21 23:31:41 $ % Get root directory of OPNML Help global OPNML help_path = [OPNML '/html/']; % Show error if help docs not found if (isempty(help_path)) error('Help_path in OPNMLDOC not defined.') end % Case no topic specified. if (nargin == 0) html_file = fullfile(help_path,'index.html'); if (exist(html_file) ~= 2) error('Could not locate OPNML html pages.'); end display_file(html_file); return end topic_file = [topic '.html']; html_file = fullfile(help_path,topic_file); display_file(html_file); function display_file(html_file) % Construct URL if (strncmp(computer,'MAC',3)) html_file = ['file:///' strrep(html_file,filesep,'/')]; end % Load the correct HTML file into the browser. stat = web(html_file); if (stat==2) error(['Could not launch Web browser. Please make sure that' sprintf('\n') ... 'you have enough free memory to launch the browser.']); elseif (stat) error(['Could not load HTML file into Web browser. Please make sure that' sprintf('\n') ... 'you have a Web browser properly installed on your system.']); end