function retval=vecplot2(xin,yin,uin,vin,sc,sclab,scale_xor,scale_yor) %VECPLOT2 routine to plot vectors. % VECPLOT2 draws vectors on the current figure, at (x,y) % locations determined in one of two ways. If the first % argument to VECPLOT is a fem_grid_struct, then VECPLOT % extracts the FEM domain coordinates as the vector origins. % Otherwise, the user supplies the (x,y) coordinates % explicitly. This flexibility exists because vector % plotting does not require any knowledge of nodal % connectivity, and perhaps the (u,v) data are not % from a FEM model output. % % VECPLOT scales the magnitude of % (u,v) by the magnitude of max(abs(u,v)) and then % forces a vector of magnitude sc to be 10% of the x data % range. By default, sc = 1., so that a 1 m/s vector will % be scaled to 10% of the x data range. If sc=.5, then % a vector magnitude of 50 cm/s will be scaled to 10% of the % x data range. Decreasing sc serves to make the vectors % appear larger. VECPLOT then prompts the user to place % the vector scale on the figure, unless scale_xor,scale_yor % is specified (see below). % % hv=vecplot(x,y,u,v,sc,sclab) % OR % hv=vecplot(fem_grid_struct,u,v,sc,sclab) % % % INPUT: fem_grid_struct (from LOADGRID, see FEM_GRID_STRUCT) % OR % x,y - vector origins % u,v - vector amplitudes % These inputs are optional, but if one is needed, all % preceeding it wil be required. % sc - vector scaler; (optional; default = 1.) % sclab - label for vector scale; (optional; default = 'cm/s') % scale_xor,scale_yor - location to place vector scale % % OUTPUT: h - vector of handles to the vector lines drawn, the % scale vector, and the scale vector text. % % NOTES: VECPLOT requires atleast 2 coordinates and vectors. % % CALL: hv=vecplot(x,y,u,v,sc,sclab) % or % hv=vecplot(fem_grid_struct,u,v,sc,sclab) % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton % if nargin==0, disp('Call as: hv=vecplot(x,y,u,v,sc,sclab) OR ') disp(' hv=vecplot(fem_grid_struct,u,v,sc,sclab)') return end % DEFINE ERROR STRINGS err1=['Not enough input arguments; type "help vecplot2"']; err2=['Too many input arguments; type "help vecplot2"']; err3=['Length of x,y,u,v must be the same']; err4=['Length of x,y,u,v must be greater than 1']; % % save the current value of the current figure's WindowButtonDownFcn, % WindowButtonMotionFcn, and WindowButtonUpFcn % WindowButtonDownFcn=get(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn'); WindowButtonMotionFcn=get(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn'); WindowButtonUpFcn=get(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn'); set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn',''); set(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',''); set(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); % Argument check if nargin < 4 error(err1); elseif nargin > 8 error(err2); end % Is the first argument a structure? if isstruct(xin) % Then is it valid? if ~is_valid_struct(fem_grid_struct) error('fem_grid_struct to VECPLOT not valid') end fem_grid_struct=xin; xin=fem_grid_struct.x; yin=fem_grid_struct.y; end % process argument list if nargin==4 sc=1.; sclab='cm/s'; elseif nargin==5 sclab='cm/s'; end sclab=[' ' sclab]; col='b'; if length(xin)~=length(yin) | ... length(xin)~=length(uin) | ... length(xin)~=length(vin) error(err3); end if length(xin)==1 error(err4); end xin=xin(:); yin=yin(:); uin=uin(:); vin=vin(:); % SCALE VELOCITY DATA TO RENDERED WINDOW SCALE % RLs= get(gca,'XLim'); xr=RLs(2)-RLs(1); X1=RLs(1); X2=RLs(2); RLs= get(gca,'YLim'); yr=RLs(2)-RLs(1); Y1=RLs(1); Y2=RLs(2); % IF RenderLimits NOT SET, USE RANGE OF DATA % if(xr==0|yr==0) error('Axes must have been previously set for VECPLOT2 to work'); end pct10=xr/10; %FILTER DATA THROUGH VIEWING WINDOW % filt=find(xin>=X1&xin<=X2&yin>=Y1&yin<=Y2); x=xin(filt); y=yin(filt); u=uin(filt); v=vin(filt); % SCALE BY MAX VECTOR SIZE IN U AND V % us=u/sc; vs=v/sc; % SCALE TO 10 PERCENT OF X RANGE % us=us*pct10; vs=vs*pct10; % SEND VECTORS TO DRAWVEC ROUTINE % hp=drawvec(x,y,us,vs,25,col); set(hp,'UserData',[xin yin uin vin]); set(hp,'Tag','vectors'); % COLOR LARGEST VECTOR RED [trash,imax]=max(sqrt(us.*us+vs.*vs)); hvmax=drawvec(x(imax),y(imax),us(imax),vs(imax),25,'r'); set(hvmax,'Tag','scalearrow'); % PLACE SCALE WITH MOUSE ON SCREEN % if ~strcmp(blank(sclab),'no scale') ptr=get(gcf,'Pointer'); if ~exist('scale_xor')| ~exist('scale_yor') disp('place scale on plot with a mouse button'); [scale_xor,scale_yor]=ginput(1); end ht1=drawvec(scale_xor,scale_yor,pct10,0.,25,'r'); set(ht1,'Tag','scalearrow'); if strcmp(blank(sclab),'m/s') sctext=[num2str(sc) sclab]; else sctext=[num2str(100*sc) sclab]; end scaletext=text((scale_xor+scale_xor+pct10)/2,scale_yor-(Y2-Y1)*(.05),sctext); set(scaletext,'HorizontalAlignment','center'); set(scaletext,'VerticalAlignment','middle'); set(scaletext,'Tag','scaletext'); set(gcf,'Pointer',ptr); end % OUTPUT IF DESIRED % if nargout==1,retval=[hp ht1 scaletext];,end % % return the saved values of the current figure's WindowButtonDownFcn, % WindowButtonMotionFcn, and WindowButtonUpFcn to the current figure % set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn',WindowButtonDownFcn); set(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',WindowButtonMotionFcn); set(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn',WindowButtonUpFcn); % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Science % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % % % SUMMER 1998 %