function outmat=gen_drog_grid(nx,ny,nlev,z,box_coords) %GEN_DROG_GRID Mouse-driven drogue input coordinate generator % % GEN_DROG_GRID - Mouse-driven drogue input coordinate generator prompts % the user to draw a box on the current figure, and returns % an array of coordinates suitable for a drogue % initialization file. % % INPUT: nx,ny - number of drogues in the x and y direction (REQUIRED, % INTEGERS). If nx or ny==1, then the output is a % diagonal line from between starting and ending points. % nlev - number of vertical levels to duplicate the % horizontal positions (OPTIONAL, DEFAULT=1, INTEGER) % If nlev is given, then so must z. % z - the depth to assign to the horizontal drogue % locations. z must be of length 1:nlev, providing % one depth for each horizontal level. (OPTIONAL, FLOAT) % In this version, z must be a single % number. It will be used as the depth for the (nx*ny) % horizontal locations. % % box_coords - optional 4x1 vector defining the sample region. % The 4 values are [X1 Y1 X2 Y2], and if defined % they take precedence over the mouse-driven facility. % % OUTPUT: outmat - if z is supplied as input, outmat is a (nx*ny) by 3 % array of 3-D starting locations % if z is NOT supplied as input, outmat is a (nx*ny) by 2 % array of 2-D starting locations % % Call as: outmat=gen_drog_grid(nx,ny) % OR: outmat=gen_drog_grid(nx,ny,z) % OR: outmat=gen_drog_grid(nx,ny,nlev,z) % OR: outmat=gen_drog_grid(nx,ny,nlev,z,box_coords) % % Written by :Brian O. Blanton % Summer 1998 % % Process incoming arguments if nargin<2|nargin>5 error('Incorrect number of argument!. "help gen_drog_grid"!'); elseif nargin==2 if (~isint(nx)|~isint(ny))&(nx~=0|ny~=0) error('First two arguments must be non-0 integers. "help gen_drog_grid"!'); end z=[];; nlev=[]; elseif nargin==3 if (~isint(nx)|~isint(ny))&(nx~=0|ny~=0) error('First two arguments MUST be non-0 integers. "help gen_drog_grid"!'); end % if arg==3, assume third is depth z=nlev; nlev=1; elseif nargin==4 if (~isint(nx)|~isint(ny))&(nx~=0|ny~=0) error('First two arguments MUST be non-0 integers. "help gen_drog_grid"!'); end % if arg==4, assume third is nlev, check for integer, as length of z==nlev if ~isint(nlev) error('Number of vertical levels MUST be integer. "help gen_drog_grid"!'); end if length(z)~=nlev error('Length of z MUST equal nlev. "help gen_drog_grid"!'); end elseif nargout~=1 error('gen_drog_grid MUST have one output argument') end % if 5th arg exists, must be 1x4 or 4x1 if nargin==5 [m,n]=size(box_coords); if (m*n)~=4 error('Box_Coords must be 4x1 or 1x4 in SAMPLE_FIELD_2D.') end if m~=1&n~=1 error('Box_Coords must be 4x1 or 1x4 in SAMPLE_FIELD_2D.') end % Further box coord checks?? end % Delete previously drawn drog grids delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Gen Drog Grid Box')) delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Gen Drog Grid Points')) currfig=gcf; figure(currfig); % Get Grid dimensions if ~exist('box_coords') disp('Click and drag mouse to cover drog patch (lower-left to upper-right)'); waitforbuttonpress; Pt1=get(gca,'CurrentPoint'); rbbox([get(gcf,'CurrentPoint') 0 0],get(gcf,'CurrentPoint')); Pt2=get(gca,'CurrentPoint'); curraxes=gca; else Pt1=[box_coords(1) box_coords(2) NaN; box_coords(1) box_coords(2) NaN]; Pt2=[box_coords(3) box_coords(4) NaN; box_coords(3) box_coords(4) NaN]; end % Draw box around drogue grid line([Pt1(1) Pt2(1) Pt2(1) Pt1(1) Pt1(1)],... [Pt1(3) Pt1(3) Pt2(3) Pt2(3) Pt1(3)],'Tag','Gen Drog Grid Box') xstart=Pt1(1); ystart=Pt1(3); xend=Pt2(1); yend=Pt2(3); % If nx or ny==1, then the output is a diagonal line % from (xstart,ystart) to (xend,yend) if nx==1 | ny==1 n=max(nx,ny); X=linspace(xstart,xend,n); Y=linspace(ystart,yend,n); else x=linspace(xstart,xend,nx); y=linspace(ystart,yend,ny); X=x(:)*(ones(size(y(:)'))); X=X'; Y=y(:)*(ones(size(x(:)'))); end line(X,Y,'Marker','*','LineStyle','none','Tag','Gen Drog Grid Points') if isempty(z) X=X(:);Y=Y(:); outmat=[X Y]; else X=X(:)*ones(size(1:nlev)); Y=Y(:)*ones(size(1:nlev)); Z=ones(size(Y)); temp=z'*zeros(size(z)); temp(:,1)=z'; Z=Z*temp'; outmat=[X(:) Y(:) Z(:)]; end % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % % Summer 1998