function hes=ellscale(htel,unitn,scale_xor,scale_yor) %ELLSCALE draw a speed scale on an ellipse plot % ELLSCALE draw a speed scale on an ellipse picture. Typically % called after TELLIPSE, passing the object handle returned % by TELLIPSE. If TELLIPSE was used in "particle-excursion" % mode, then ELLSCALE cannot draw a vector scale, as there is % to draw. % % htel MUST be the handle returned by TELLIPSE. % TELLIPSE returns this number to the main % workspace. % % unitn (optional) is the flag that indicates which % units-text ELLSCALE should put on the figure to % correspond to the vector magnitudes: % % If omitted, ELLSCALE uses the string 'units'. % If unitn=1, ELLSCALE uses the string 'm/sec'. % If unitn=2, ELLSCALE uses the string 'cm/sec'. % If unitn='text', ELLSCALE uses the string 'text'. % % This last option provides for the user to specify % the string of choice for units. % % If unitn is anything other than one of the possibilities % specified above, ELLSCALE aborts. % % Call as: >> ellscale(h,unitn) % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton % err1=['UserData associated with the object handle supplied to ELLSCALE',... ' is empty. ELLSCALE cannot draw the ellipse scale.']; err2=['Improper unit specification in unitn; type "help ELLSCALE"']; err3=['TELLIPSE was used in "particle-excursion" mode. No scaling.']; if nargin<2 | nargin > 5 error('Wrong number of input arguments to ELLSCALE') end if nargin==2 if isstr(htel) error('Arg 1 to ELLSCALE cannot be a string.') end end parent_of_htel=get(htel,'Parent'); % the axes parent_of_parent_of_htel=get(parent_of_htel,'Parent'); % the figure children_of_parent_of_htel=get(parent_of_htel,'Children'); X=get(parent_of_htel,'XLim'); Y=get(parent_of_htel,'YLim'); xrange=X(2)-X(1); yrange=Y(2)-Y(1); % ensure that the current axes is the parent % of the vector handle passed to ELLSCALE axes(parent_of_htel); % clear previous scales from this axes for i=1:length(children_of_parent_of_htel) if strcmp(get(children_of_parent_of_htel(i),'UserData'),'scaletext')==1 delete(children_of_parent_of_htel(i)); elseif strcmp(get(children_of_parent_of_htel(i),'UserData'),'scalearrow')==1 delete(children_of_parent_of_htel(i)); end end data=get(htel,'UserData'); if isempty(data)== 1 error(err1); end % determine which text to use for units-string if ~exist('unitn') unitstring='units'; else if unitn==1 unitstring='m/sec'; elseif unitn==2 unitstring='cm/sec'; elseif isstr(unitn) unitstring=unitn; else error(err2); end end % The last line of "data" is the scaling information. If TELLIPSE % was used in "particle-excursiuon" mode, the 2nd and 3rd values in the % last line will both be NaN. "Check this and return if so. magscale=data(length(data(:,1)),2); vecscale=data(length(data(:,1)),3); if (isnan(magscale)|isnan(vecscale)) error(err3) end %FILTER DATA THROUGH VIEWING WINDOW filt=find(data(:,1)>=X(1)&data(:,1)<=X(2)&data(:,2)>=Y(1)&data(:,2)<=Y(2)); umaj=data(filt,3); % now working with umaj maxell=max(umaj); % % save the current value of the current figure's WindowButtonDownFcn, % WindowButtonMotionFcn, and WindowButtonUpFcn % WindowButtonDownFcn=get(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn'); WindowButtonMotionFcn=get(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn'); WindowButtonUpFcn=get(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn'); set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn',''); set(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',''); set(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); if ~exist('scale_xor')| ~exist('scale_yor') disp('place scale on plot with a mouse button'); [scale_xor,scale_yor]=ginput(1); end hp=drawvec(scale_xor,scale_yor,maxell,0.,25,'r'); set(hp,'UserData','scalearrow'); set(hp,'Tag','scalearrow'); tnum=num2str(magscale); tnum=[tnum ' ' unitstring]; scaletext=text(scale_xor,scale_yor-(Y(2)-Y(1))*(.05),tnum); set(scaletext,'HorizontalAlignment','center'); set(scaletext,'UserData','scaletext'); set(scaletext,'Tag','scaletext'); hes=[hp; scaletext]; % % return the saved values of the current figure's WindowButtonDownFcn, % WindowButtonMotionFcn, and WindowButtonUpFcn to the current figure % set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn',WindowButtonDownFcn); set(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',WindowButtonMotionFcn); set(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn',WindowButtonUpFcn); % %LabSig Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 12-7 Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % University of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % %