function [starting_time,ending_time]=query_fcast_dir(dirname) %QUERY_FCAST_DIR % QUERY_FCAST_DIR determines the starting and ending % simulation times for a specified forecast directory. % Two time structures are returned. if exist(dirname)~=7 error([dirname ' does not exist.']); return end d=dir([dirname '/*.icq4']); filenames={}'; nfiles=length(filenames); % If the forecast .icq4 files are in order, % the first and last entries in filenames % are the starting and ending times in the % forecast. Read the headers to get the times. startingicq4struct=read_icq4([dirname '/' filenames{1}],0); endingicq4struct=read_icq4([dirname '/' filenames{nfiles}],0);; starting_time.month=startingicq4struct.month; starting_time.year =startingicq4struct.year; starting_time.sec =startingicq4struct.curr_seconds;; ending_time.month=endingicq4struct.month; ending_time.year =endingicq4struct.year; ending_time.sec =endingicq4struct.curr_seconds;