function err=writegrid(fem_grid_struct,fnamebase); %WRITEGRID write a fem_grid_struct to separate gridfiles (.ele, .nod,...) % WRITEGRID writes the standard gridfiles .ele, .bat, .and nod to % disk. It also writes the neighbor list to a file with extension % '.icm' if the .icm field of fem_grid_struct is filled. % % WRITEGRID(FEM_GRID_STRUCT) prompts the user for a gridname, and % writes the files .ele, .bat, and .nod % (and possibly .icm). % % WRITEGRID(FEM_GRID_STRUCT,FNAMEBASE) writes the files % .ele, .bat, and .nod % (and possibly .icm). % % WRITEGRID returns a 0 if successful and a -1 if not. % if nargin==0 & nargout==0 disp('Call as: writegrid(fem_grid_struct,fnamebase)') return end if nargin~=1 & nargin~=2 error('WRITEGRID needs 1 or 2 input arguments.') else if nargin==1 fnamebase=input('Enter a domain name:','s'); else % make sure input fnamebase is a string if ~isa(fnamebase,'char') disp('FNAMEBASE to WRITEGRID must be a string.'); err=-1; return end end end % Is fem_grid_struct valid? if ~is_valid_struct(fem_grid_struct) error('fem_grid_struct to WRITEGRID not valid.') end % Call write functions disp(['Writing element file ' fnamebase '.ele.']) if write_ele(fem_grid_struct.e,[fnamebase '.ele'])==-1 disp(['Error writing element file ' fnamebase '.ele.']) err=-1; return end disp(['Writing node file ' fnamebase '.nod.']) if write_nod(fem_grid_struct.x,fem_grid_struct.y,[fnamebase '.nod'])==-1 disp(['Error writing node file ' fnamebase '.nod.']) err=-1; return end disp(['Writing depth file ' fnamebase '.bat.']) if write_bat(fem_grid_struct.z,[fnamebase '.bat'])==-1 disp(['Error writing depth file ' fnamebase '.bat.']) err=-1; return end % if there is a neighbor list (.icm) attached to fem_grid_struct, % write it to .icm if isfield(fem_grid_struct,'icm') disp(['Writing neighbor list file ' fnamebase '.icm.']) [m,n]=size(fem_grid_struct.icm); fmtstr=[]; mm=max(fem_grid_struct.icm(:)); mm=length(int2str(mm*10)); mm=int2str(mm); fmtstp=['%' mm 'd']; for i=1:n fmtstr=[fmtstr fmtstp]; end fmtstr=[fmtstr '\n']; fname=[fnamebase '.icm']; [fid,mesg]=fopen(fname,'w'); % Check for open error if(fid<0) errstr=sprintf('Filename %s could not be opened;\n%s\n',fname,mesg); disp(errstr); err=-1; return else fprintf(fid,fmtstr,fem_grid_struct.icm'); fclose(fid); end end % Successful err=0; return % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % Ocean Processes Numerical Modeling Laboratory % 12-7 Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % University of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % % % Summer 1998 %