function [data,nnv,freq]=read_vel(fname); %RWRITE_VEL write a FEM output file of .vel filetype. % WRITE_VEL is part of a suite of OPNML I/O functions % to I/O specific filetypes pertaining to FEM model % input and output. These functions allow the user to % get these data files into/out of MATLAB without copying the % files and removing the header info by hand. % % WRITE_VEL writes the FEM filetype .vel, as detailed in % "Data File Standards for the Gulf of Maine Project" % from the Numerical Methods Laboratory at Dartmouth % College. (This document is located in the OPNML % notebook under External Documents.) There are eight % columns, the first of which is the node number. The % remaining columns are floating point. % % Input : If fname is omitted, READ_VEL enables a file browser % with which the user can specify the .vel file. % % Otherwise, fname is the name of the .vel file, relative % or absolute (fullpath), including the suffix '.vel'. % This input is a string so it must be enclosed in single % quotes. The header lines are discarded. % % Output : The data part is returned in the variable data. % There are eight columns, the first of which is the node % number. The remaining columns are floating point. % The number of vertical nodes is returned in nnv, and % the frequency is returned in freq. % % Call READ_VEL as: % >> [data,nnv,freq]=read_vel(fname); %% % NOTES : The .vel filetype contains 3-D data; i.e., complex-valued % velocity data at each vertical node per horizontal node. % The .vel file has phase in radians while the related .v3c % format has phase in degrees. % % Call as: [data,nnv,freq]=read_vel(fname); % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton % if nargin==0 & nargout==0 disp('Call as: [data,nnv,freq]=read_vel(fname);') return end if ~exist('fname') [fname,fpath]=uigetfile('*.vel','Which .vel'); if fname==0,return,end else fpath=[]; end if nargin > 1 error(['READ_VEL requires 0 or 1 input argument; type "help READ_VEL"']); end % get filetype from tail of fname ftype=fname(length(fname)-2:length(fname)); % make sure this is an allowed filetype if ~strcmp(ftype,'vel') error(['READ_VEL cannot read ' ftype ' filetype']) end % open fname [pfid,message]=fopen([fpath fname]); if pfid==-1 error([fpath fname,' not found. ',message]); end % In all filetypes there is always a gridname and description line % as lines #1 and #2 of the file. % read grid name from top of file; header line #1 gridname=fgets(pfid); gridname=blank(gridname); % read description line from top of file; header line #2 descline=fgets(pfid); % read number of vertical nodes (line #3) number of frequencies (line #4) % and the frequency (line #5) nnv=fscanf(pfid,'%d',1); nfreq=fscanf(pfid,'%f',1); freq=fscanf(pfid,'%f',1); % read data segment data=fscanf(pfid,'%d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f',[8 inf])'; fclose(pfid); % % Brian O. Blanton % Curr. in Marine Science % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % %