function errno=write_nei(x,y,bc,z,nbs,fname) %WRITE_NEI Write a FEM neighbor file in .nei format. % WRITE_NEI requires 5 input arguments, with 1 optional argument: % 1) x - x-coordinates of the grid (REQ) % 2) y - y-coordinates of the grid (REQ) % 3) bc - boundary codes for each horizontal node (REQ) % 4) z - bathymetry of the grid (REQ) % 5) nbs - neighbor list of grid's nodes (REQ) % 6) fname - output filename (OPT) % % If fname is omitted, WRITE_NEI enables a file browser % with which the user can specify the .NEI file. % Otherwise, fname is the name of the .nei file, relative % or absolute (fullpath), including the suffix .'nei'. % This input is a string so it must be enclosed in % single quotes. % % WRITE_NEI checks the lengths of input arrays and the % structure of the neighbor list for some minimal % error checking. This is not, however, very rigorous. % % CALL: err=write_nei(x,y,bc,z,nbs,fname); % err=write_nei(x,y,bc,z,nbs); % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton % March 1996 % if nargin==0 & nargout==0 disp('Call as: err=write_nei(x,y,bc,z,nbs,fname);') return end if nargout > 1 error(['WRITE_NEI requires 0 or 1 output argument; type "help WRITE_NEI"']); end if nargin < 5 & nargin > 6 error(['WRITE_NEI requires 5 or 6 input arguments; type "help WRITE_NEI"']); end if ~exist('fname') [fname,fpath]=uigetfile('*.nei','Which .nei'); if fname==0,return,end else fpath=[]; end % get filetype from tail of fname ftype=fname(length(fname)-2:length(fname)); % make sure this is an allowed filetype if ~strcmp(ftype,'nei') error(['WRITE_NEI cannot write ' ftype ' filetype']) end % open fname [pfid,message]=fopen([fpath fname],'w'); if pfid==-1 error([fpath fname,' not found. ',message]); end fprintf(pfid,'%d\n',length(x)); [nn,nnb]=size(nbs); fprintf(pfid,'%d\n',nnb); xmin=min(x);xmax=max(x); ymin=min(y);ymax=max(y); maxmin=fprintf(pfid,'%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n',[xmax ymax xmin ymin]); fmt1='%5d %14.6f %14.6f %1d %8.3f '; fmt2='%5d '; for i=2:nnb fmt2=[fmt2 '%5d ']; end fmtstr=[fmt1 fmt2 '\n']; nwrite=nnb+5; nnn=1:nn; fprintf(pfid,eval('fmtstr'),[nnn(:) x(:) y(:) bc(:) z(:) nbs]'); err=0; return % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % %