function [data]=read_lbe(fname); % Last modified: 23 Sept 1999 % Catherine R. Edwards if nargin==0 & nargout==0 disp('Call as: [data]=read_lbe(fname);') return end if ~exist('fname') [fname,fpath]=uigetfile('*.lbe','Which .lbe ?'); if fname==0,return,end else fpath=[]; end % get filetype from tail of fname ftype=fname(length(fname)-2:length(fname)); % make sure this is an allowed filetype if ~strcmp(ftype,'lbe') error(['READ_LBE cannot read ' ftype ' filetype']) end % open fname [pfid,message]=fopen([fpath fname]); if pfid==-1 error([fpath fname,' not found. ',message]); end % In all filetypes there is always a gridname and description line % as lines #1 and #2 of the file. % read grid name from top of file; header line #1 % gridname=fgets(pfid); % gridname=blank(gridname); % read data segment data=fscanf(pfid,'%d %f %f',[3 inf])'; fclose(pfid);