function h=numbnd(fem_grid_struct,ps) %NUMBND number boundary nodes on current axes in viewing region. % % INPUT : fem_grid_struct - (from LOADGRID, see FEM_GRID_STRUCT) % ps - point size for screen text numbers % (optional, def=15) % % OUTPUT : h - vector of handle to text objects drawn (optional) % % CALL : h=numbnd(fem_grid_struct,ps); % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton % Summer 1997 % % DEFINE ERROR STRINGS err1=['Not enough input arguments; need atleast fem_grid_struct']; err2=['Too many input arguments; type "help numbnd"']; warn1=['The current axes is too dense for the ' 'node numbers to be readable. CONTINUE?']; % check arguments if nargin ==0 error(err1); elseif nargin >2 error(err2); elseif nargin==1 ps=15; end if ~is_valid_struct(fem_grid_struct) error(' Argument to NUMBND must be a valid fem_grid_struct.') end % Extract grid fields from fem_grid_struct % bnd=fem_grid_struct.bnd; x=fem_grid_struct.x; y=fem_grid_struct.y; X=get(gca,'Xlim'); Y=get(gca,'YLim'); % Since the boundary list is not guaranteed to be "ordered" % we need to know the unique node numbers in the boundary % [nlist,ncount] = count(bnd(:)); nlist=nlist(:); xb=x(nlist); yb=y(nlist); % get indices of nodes within viewing window defined by X,Y filt=find(xb>=X(1)&xb<=X(2)&yb>=Y(1)&yb<=Y(2)); % Build string matrix temp=nlist(filt); strlist=num2str(temp,6); xx=xb(filt);yy=yb(filt); format long e % label only those nodes that lie within viewing window. htext=text(xx,yy,strlist,... 'FontSize',ps,... 'HorizontalAlignment','center',... 'VerticalAlignment','middle',... 'Color','k',... 'Tag','Bnd Node #'); if nargout==1,h=htext;,end return % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % % % Summer 1997 %