function h=stickplot(t,u,v,ax,varargin) %STICKPLOT plot timeseries of a vector % STICKPLOT plots a timeseries of direction vectors on the % current axes. % % Input: time - time vector % u - east/west component of the vector series % v - north/south component of the vector series % ax - a 4x1 vector indicating the region of the % time series to zoom in on. This is necessary % for the proper scaling of the direction and % magnitude of the vectors. % Output: h - handle to the line object drawn % % NOTE: do not resize the window or axes AFTER STICKPLOT % has drawn the vectors. The east/west north/south % magnitudes will no longer be scaled correctly. % % PN/PV pairs accepted by STICKPLOT: % Voffset - amount to displace the stickplot vertically % % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton % Fall 1997 % Fall 2002: added varargins if nargin==0,disp('Call as: hv=stickplot(time,u,v,ax,pn1,pv1,...)');return;end % Default propertyname values Voffset=0.; % Strip off propertyname/value pairs in varargin not related to % "line" object properties. k=1; while k