function [e,x,y,z,b]=breakstruct(fem_grid_struct) % BREAKSTRUCT - split fem_grid_struct into separate components % % BREAKSTRUCT returns the basic FEM domain arrays % to the calling workspace by breaking down the % input fem_grid_struct. % % All arguments are required. % % INPUT : fem_grid_struct - (from LOADGRID, see FEM_GRID_STRUCT) % % OUTPUT : e - node connectivity list (triangular) % x - x-horizontal node coordinates % y - y-horizontal node coordinates % z - bathymetry list % b - boundary segment list % % CALL : >> [e,x,y,z,b]=breakstruct(fem_grid_struct); % if ~is_valid_struct(fem_grid_struct) error(' Argument to BREAKSTRUCT must be a valid fem_grid_struct.') end e=fem_grid_struct.e; x=fem_grid_struct.x; y=fem_grid_struct.y; z=fem_grid_struct.z; b=fem_grid_struct.bnd;