function ret_struct=read_icq4(filename,flag) %READ_ICQ4 read a QUODDY4 .icq4 file % READ_ICQ4 reads in and parses the Quoddy 4 model % results contained in an .icq4 output file. % % The contents of the .icq4 file are returned to the % MATLAB workspace as a structure contaioning fields % for each variable. Type "help fem_icq4_struct" % for a description of the icq4 structure. % % Input: icq4name - .icq4 file to read (optional) % flag - See below. (optional) % % If icq4name is omitted, READ_ICQ4 enables a % file browser with which the user can specify % the .icq4 file. The flag (0|1) is used to % only read the header info in the .icq4 file. % flag==0 -> "read only header info" % flag==1 -> "read entire .icq4 file" % % Otherwise, READ_ICQ4 takes as input the filename % of the icq4 data file, either relative or % absolute, including the .icq4 suffix. % % Output: The output of READ_ICQ4 is a fem_icq4_struct % containing the variables with in the .icq4 file. % The output structure can be passed directly to % OPNML routines that take .icq4 structures as % direct input, like VIZICQ4. % % Call as: icq4struct=read_icq4(icq4name); % OR: icq4struct=read_icq4(icq4name,flag); % % Written by: Brian Blanton (Dec 1998) % err1=['READ_ICQ4 requires 0,1,2 input arguments.']; err2=['READ_ICQ4 requires exactly 1 output arguments.']; err3=['Argument to READ_ICQ4 must be a string (filename)']; if nargin > 2 error(err1) end % Assume full read of .icq4 file if flag not specified if nargin==1|nargin==0,flag=1;,end if nargout ~=1 error(err2) end if ~exist('filename') [fname,fpath]=uigetfile('*.icq4','Which .icq4'); if fname==0,return,end else if ~isstr(filename),error(err3),end % break into fpath and fname % parse into filename and pathname slash_place=findstr(filename,'/'); if length(slash_place)==0 fpath=[]; fname=filename; else slash_place=slash_place(length(slash_place)); fpath=filename(1:slash_place-1); fname=filename(slash_place+1:length(filename)); end end % get filetype from tail of fname ftype=fname(length(fname)-3:length(fname)); % make sure this is an allowed filetype if ~strcmp(ftype,'icq4') error(['READ_ICQ4 cannot read ' ftype ' filetype']) end % open fname [pfid,message]=fopen([fpath '/' fname]); if pfid==-1 error([fpath '/' fname,' not found. ',message]); end % read codename and casename from top of file; header line #1,#2 codename=fgets(pfid); codename=blank(codename); casename=fgets(pfid); casename=blank(casename); inqfilename=fgets(pfid); inqfilename=blank(inqfilename); inqfilename=strrep(inqfilename(12:length(inqfilename)),' ',''); initcondname=fgets(pfid); initcondname=blank(initcondname); initcondname=strrep(initcondname(19:length(initcondname)),' ',''); % Read in the model dimensions temp = fscanf(pfid,'%d %d',2)'; nn= temp(1); nnv = temp(2); % Read in the model date, time, and time step datain = fscanf(pfid,'%d %d %d %f %f',5); day = datain(1); month = datain(2); year = datain(3); curr_seconds = datain(4); step_seconds = datain(5); % Close input file so that read_icq4_mex5 can re-open if needed. fclose(pfid); if flag filename=[fpath '/' fname]; if isempty(fpath),filename=fname;,end % Do the actual data read in c-mex file. [HMID, UMID, VMID, HOLD, UOLD, VOLD,... ZMID, ZOLD, UZMID ,VZMID, WZMID, ... Q2MID, Q2LMID, TMPMID, SALMID]=read_icq4_mex5(filename,nn,nnv); % Reshape vectors into nn X nnv arrays ZMID = reshape(ZMID,nn,nnv); ZOLD = reshape(ZOLD,nn,nnv); UZMID = reshape(UZMID,nn,nnv); VZMID = reshape(VZMID,nn,nnv); WZMID = reshape(WZMID,nn,nnv); Q2MID = reshape(Q2MID,nn,nnv); Q2LMID = reshape(Q2LMID,nn,nnv); TMPMID = reshape(TMPMID,nn,nnv); SALMID = reshape(SALMID,nn,nnv); else HMID = [];UMID = [];VMID = [];ZMID = []; HOLD = [];UOLD = [];VOLD = [];ZOLD = []; UZMID = [];VZMID = [];WZMID = [];Q2MID = []; Q2LMID =[];TMPMID =[];SALMID =[]; end ret_struct=struct('codename',codename,'casename',casename,'inqfilename',inqfilename,... 'initcondname',initcondname,'nn',nn,'nnv',nnv,... 'day',day,'month',month,'year',year,'curr_seconds',curr_seconds,... 'HMID',HMID',... 'UMID',UMID',... 'VMID',VMID',... 'HOLD',HOLD',... 'UOLD',UOLD',... 'VOLD',VOLD',... 'ZMID',ZMID,... 'ZOLD',ZOLD,... 'UZMID', UZMID,... 'VZMID', VZMID,... 'WZMID', WZMID,... 'Q2MID', Q2MID,... 'Q2LMID',Q2LMID,... 'TMPMID',TMPMID,... 'SALMID',SALMID); % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % %