function icq4struct=icq4info(command,option) %ICQ4INFO % ICQ4INFO provides information on an input fem_icq4_struct % or an icq4 file. It optionally returns the icq4 data in % a fem_icq4_struct, and can read only the header information. % % Input: arg1 - fem_icq4_struct or icq4 filename % arg2 - If arg1 is an icq4 filename, then % arg2 can be either 0 (read only % file headers) or 1 (read entire file). % If arg1 is a fem_icq4_struct, then % arg2 is ignored. % arg2 can also be a [1X2] vector; the first element % is the "read" option above, and the second element % is whether or not (0|1) to post the display figure. % This option is ignored if arg1 is a fem_icq4_struct. % The default is to display the figure. % % Output: fem_icq4_struct - If arg1 was a filename, ICQ4INFO % returns the fem_icq4_struct if an output argument % is provided. icq4 file information is displayed to % a new figure. % % Call as: >> icq4info(icq4filename) % >> icq4=icq4info(icq4filename); % >> icq4=icq4info(icq4filename,0|1); % >> icq4=icq4info(icq4filename,[0|1 0|1]); % etc... % % Written by: Brian Blanton, Spring 99 if nargin>2 error('Too many arguments to ICQ4INFO') elseif nargin==0 disp('Call as: icq4info(icq4filename)') return elseif nargin==1 if isa(command,'char') option=1; % default to read entire icq4 file else option='none'; end nofig=0; else nofig=0; if isa(command,'struct') & exist('option') disp('Option to ICQ4INFO ignored.') elseif isa(command,'char') &~(strcmp(command,'Initialize')|... strcmp(command,'SetInfo')| ... strcmp(command,'CloseFig')) if option~=0 & option ~=1 error('Option to ICQ4INFO must be 0|1') end [m,n]=size(option); if m*n==1, nofig=0; elseif m*n==2 nofig=option(2); else error('Too many elements in options vector to ICQ4INFO.') end end end if isa(command,'struct') icq4=command; command='Initialize'; if nargout==1 error(['ICQ4INFO does not return a fem_icq4_struct if the input is' ... ' a fem_icq4_struct.']) end elseif isa(command,'char') % Check to see of command is a icq4filename if exist(command)==2 icq4filename=command; command='Initialize'; switch option(1) case 0, disp(['Reading ' icq4filename ' headers.']) case 1, disp(['Reading ' icq4filename]) end icq4=read_icq4(icq4filename,option(1)); elseif ~(strcmp(command,'Initialize')|strcmp(command,'SetInfo')| ... strcmp(command,'CloseFig')) error([command ' does not exist.']) end end % Return if the nofig option is set. if nofig icq4struct=icq4; return else switch command case 'Initialize' % Figure defaults fontsize=get(0,'DefaultTextFontSize'); set(0,'DefaultTextFontWeight','bold') %%%% Build ICQ4INFO Figure sfig=figure('Position',[300 100 350 600],... 'IntegerHandle','off',... 'NumberTitle','off',... 'MenuBar','none',... 'Name','Icq4 Info',... 'Resize','on',... 'Units','pixels',... 'Tag','Icq4_Info_Fig',... 'CloseRequestFcn','closereq',... 'Visible','on'); uicontrol(sfig,'Style','frame',... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.01 .005 .98 .985],... 'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]*.7); uicontrol(sfig,'Style','text',... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.02 .94 .96 .04],... 'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]*.7,... 'FontSize',fontsize,... 'Units','pixels',... 'String','Icq4 File Information'); varlist={'codename :' 'casename :' 'inqfilename :' 'initcondname :' 'nn :' 'nnv :' 'day :' 'month :' 'year :' 'curr_seconds :' 'ZMID :' 'ZOLD :' 'UZMID :' 'VZMID :' 'WZMID :' 'Q2MID :' 'Q2LMID :' 'TMPMID :' 'SALMID :'}; xs1=.02;xs2=.51;dx=.45; ystart=.85;dy=.04;dyy=.035; for i=1:length(varlist) y=ystart-(i-1)*dy; uicontrol(sfig,'Style','text',... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[xs1 y dx dyy],... 'Units','pixels',... 'String',varlist{i},... 'HorizontalAlignment','right'); tag=['Icq4_Info_Line' int2str(i)]; string=varlist{i}; string=['<' string(1:length(string)-2) '>']; uicontrol(sfig,'Style','text',... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[xs2 y dx dyy],... 'BackgroundColor','w',... 'Tag',tag,... 'String',string,... 'ForeGroundColor','r',... 'HorizontalAlignment','left'); end uicontrol(sfig,'Style','push',... 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[.4 .05 .20 .05],... 'Units','pixels',... 'String','Close',... 'Callback','icq4info(''CloseFig'')',... 'ToolTipString','Close icq4info Popup') if ~isempty(icq4) icq4info('SetInfo',icq4); end case 'SetInfo' icq4=option; if ~isa(icq4,'struct') error('icq4 to ICQ4INFO not a structure') end % Get the Icq4_Info_Line handles fig=findobj(0,'Type','figure','Tag','Icq4_Info_Fig'); for i=1:19 Icq4_Info_Line(i)=... findobj(fig,'Type','uicontrol','Tag',['Icq4_Info_Line' int2str(i)]); end nn=icq4.nn;nnv=icq4.nnv; set(Icq4_Info_Line(1),'String',icq4.codename) set(Icq4_Info_Line(2),'String',icq4.casename) set(Icq4_Info_Line(3),'String',icq4.inqfilename) set(Icq4_Info_Line(4),'String',icq4.initcondname) set(Icq4_Info_Line(5),'String',int2str(nn)) set(Icq4_Info_Line(6),'String',int2str(nnv)) set(Icq4_Info_Line(7),'String',int2str( set(Icq4_Info_Line(8),'String',int2str(icq4.month)) set(Icq4_Info_Line(9),'String',int2str(icq4.year)) set(Icq4_Info_Line(10),'String',int2str(icq4.curr_seconds)) string2d=['[' int2str(nn) ' double]']; string3d=['[' int2str(nn) 'x' int2str(nnv) ' double]']; if isempty(icq4.HMID) string2d='not read in'; string3d=string2d; end set(Icq4_Info_Line(11),'String',string3d) set(Icq4_Info_Line(12),'String',string3d) set(Icq4_Info_Line(13),'String',string3d) set(Icq4_Info_Line(14),'String',string3d) set(Icq4_Info_Line(15),'String',string3d) set(Icq4_Info_Line(16),'String',string3d) set(Icq4_Info_Line(17),'String',string3d) set(Icq4_Info_Line(18),'String',string3d) set(Icq4_Info_Line(19),'String',string3d) % Attach the icq4 structure to the fig UD set(fig,'UserData',icq4) case 'CloseFig' delete(findobj(0,'Type','figure','Tag','Icq4_Info_Fig')) end % end switch end % end nofig if if nargout~=0 fig=findobj(0,'Type','figure','Tag','Icq4_Info_Fig'); icq4struct=get(fig,'UserData'); end