function C=contourtri(P,Z,N,V,fill); % CONTOURTRI Contours a triangular mesh % This is an extension of contourc. CONTOURTRI calculates the % contour matrix C for use by EXTCONTOUR to draw the actual % contour plot. % % C=CONTOURTRI(P,Z,N,V) contours the surface given by % P=[X Y],Z given the node indices in an 3xn matrix N. % Contours are drawn at the (optional) V levels. % % C=CONTOURTRI(...,'fill') returns closed contours by including % lines along edges. % Author: R. Pawlowicz (IOS) % 16/Mar/95 if (nargin==3), V=[]; end; if (nargin==4 & isstr(V) ), fill=1; V=[]; else fill=0; end; if (nargin==5), fill=1; end; V=getlevels(Z,V); C=contourctri(P,Z,N',V,fill);