function CS=contoursurf(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4); % CONTOURSURF contouring over non-rectangular surface. % % This is an extension of contourc. % CONTOURSURF calculates the contour matrix C for use by EXTCONTOUR % to draw the actual contour plot. % C = CONTOURSURF(Z) computes the contour matrix for a contour plot % of matrix Z treating the values in Z as heights above a plane. % C = CONTOURSURF(X,Y,Z), where X and Y are vectors, specifies the X- % and Y-axes for the contour computation. X and Y can also be matrices of % the same size as Z, in which case they specify a surface in an % identical manner as SURFACE. % CONTOURSURF(Z,N) and CONTOURSURF(X,Y,Z,N) compute N contour lines, % overriding the default automatic value. % CONTOURSURF(Z,V) and CONTOURSURF(X,Y,Z,V) compute LENGTH(V) contour % lines at the values specified in vector V. % CONTOURSURF([X Y],N,Z) contours the triangular mesh specified by % node location vectors X,Y with height vector Z, where N is a 3xn matrix % containing the node indices for n triangles. % % The contour matrix C is a two row matrix of contour lines. Each % contiguous drawing segment contains the value of the contour, % the number of (x,y) drawing pairs, and the pairs themselves. % The segments are appended end-to-end as % % C = [level1 x1 x2 x3 ... level2 x2 x2 x3 ...; % pairs1 y1 y2 y3 ... pairs2 y2 y2 y3 ...] % % See also EXTCONTOUR. % Author: R. Pawlowicz (IOS) % 12/12/94 if (nargin <=2 ), numarg_for_call='arg1'; for ii=2:nargin, numarg_for_call=[numarg_for_call ',arg' int2str(ii)]; end; zz=arg1; else if min(size(arg3))==1 & any(size(arg2)==3), % fall-through for triangular mesh if (nargin==3), CS=contourtri(arg1,arg3,arg2); else CS=contourtri(arg1,arg3,arg2,arg4); end; return; end; numarg_for_call='arg3'; for ii=4:nargin, numarg_for_call=[numarg_for_call ',arg' int2str(ii)]; end; zz=arg3; end; eval(['CS=contourc(' numarg_for_call ');']); [Ny,Nx]=size(zz); % Find data values and check curve orientation. ii=ones(1,size(CS,2)); if size(CS,2)==0, return; end; k=1; while (k < size(CS,2)), nl=CS(2,k); % Now this is a little bit of magic needed to make the filled contours % work. Essentially I draw the *closed* contours so that the "high" side is % always on the right. To test this, I take the cross product of the % first vector with a vector to a corner point and test the sign % against the elevation change. There are several special cases: % (1) If the contour line goes through a point (which happen when -Infs % are around), and (2) when the contour level equals the level on the high % side (this always seems to happen in 'simple test' cases!). We take % care of (1) by choosing other points, and we take care of (2) by adding % eps to the data before comparing with the contour data. if ( CS(:,k+1)==CS(:,k+nl) & nl>1 ), lev=CS(1,k); x1=CS(1,k+1); y1=CS(2,k+1); x2=CS(1,k+2); y2=CS(2,k+2); vx1=x2-x1; vy1=y2-y1; cpx=round(x1); cpy=round(y1); if ( [cpx cpy]==[x1 y1] ), cpx=round(x2); cpy=round(y2); if ( [cpx cpy]==[x2 y2]), if ( ~([cpx cpy]==round([x1 y1])) ), cpx=round(x1); else cpx=round(x1)+y2-y1; cpy=round(y1)-x2+x1; end; end; end; vx2=cpx-x1; vy2=cpy-y1; % if (sign(zz(cpy,cpx)-lev+epslev)==0) disp('lev=0'); end; % if (sign(vx1*vy2-vx2*vy1)==0) disp('cross=0'); end; if ( sign(zz(cpy,cpx)-lev+eps) == sign(vx1*vy2-vx2*vy1) ), CS(:,k+[1:nl])=fliplr(CS(:,k+[1:nl])); end; end; ii(k)=0; k=k+1+nl; end; % Data from integer coords to data coords. There are 3 cases % (1) Matrix X/Y % (2) Vector X/Y % (3) no X/Y. (do nothing); if (nargin>2 & min(size(arg1))>1 ), X=CS(1,ii)'; Y=CS(2,ii)'; cX=ceil(X); fX=floor(X); cY=ceil(Y); fY=floor(Y); Ibl=cY+(fX-1)*Ny; Itl=fY+(fX-1)*Ny; Itr=fY+(cX-1)*Ny; Ibr=cY+(cX-1)*Ny; dy=cY-Y; dx=X-fX; % Correct for possible conflicts in matlabs [1 1 1 ] indexing. This % probably will *never* happen in real life, but turns up annoyingly % often in "simple" test cases. if (Nx*Ny == length(Ibl) ), Ibl=[1;Ibl]; Itl=[1;Itl]; Itr=[1;Itr]; Ibr=[1;Ibr]; dx=[0;dx]; dy=[0;dy]; Csave=CS(:,1); ii(1)=1; end; CS(1,(ii)) = [ arg1(Ibl).*(1-dx).*(1-dy) + arg1(Itl).*(1-dx).*dy ... + arg1(Itr).*dx.*dy + arg1(Ibr).*dx.*(1-dy)]'; CS(2,(ii)) = [ arg2(Ibl).*(1-dx).*(1-dy) + arg2(Itl).*(1-dx).*dy ... + arg2(Itr).*dx.*dy + arg2(Ibr).*dx.*(1-dy) ]'; if (exist('Csave')), CS(:,1)=Csave; end; elseif (nargin>2 & min(size(arg1))==1 ), X=CS(1,ii); Y=CS(2,ii); cX=ceil(X); fX=floor(X); cY=ceil(Y); fY=floor(Y); dy=cY-Y; dx=X-fX; if (size(arg1,2)==1), CS(1,ii)=[arg1(fX)'.*(1-dx)+arg1(cX)'.*dx]; else CS(1,ii)=[arg1(fX).*(1-dx)+arg1(cX).*dx]; end; if (size(arg2,2)==1), CS(2,ii)=[arg2(fY)'.*dy+arg2(cY)'.*(1-dy)]; else CS(2,ii)=[arg2(fY).*dy+arg2(cY).*(1-dy)]; end; end;