function [CSO,H] = contourfill(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) % CONTOURFILL Filled contour plot % CONTOURFILL(Z) is a filled contour plot of matrix Z treating the % values in Z as heights above a plane. % % CONTOURFILL(X,Y,Z), where X and Y are vectors, specifies X- and % Y- axes used on the plot. X and Y can also be matrices of the % same size as Z, in which case they specify a surface in an % identical manner as SURFACE. % % CONTOURFILL(Z,N) and CONTOURFILL(X,Y,Z,N) draw N contour lines, % overriding the default automatic value. % % CONTOURFILL(Z,V) and CONTOURFILL(X,Y,Z,V) draw LENGTH(V) contour % lines at the values specified in vector V. % % CONTOURFILL([X Y],N,Z,V) contour fills the triangular mesh % specified by node location vectors X,Y with height vector Z, % where N is a 3xn matrix containing the node indices for n % triangles. % Author: R. Pawlowicz (IOS) % 14/12/94 recmesh=1; if (nargin == 4), x = arg1; y = arg2; z = arg3; nv = arg4; if min(size(z))==1 & any(size(y)==3), % fall-through for triangular mesh recmesh=0; else if (size(y,1)==1), y=y'; end; if (size(x,2)==1), x=x'; end; [mz,nz] = size(z); end; elseif (nargin == 3), x = arg1; y = arg2; z = arg3; nv = []; if min(size(z))==1 & any(size(y)==3), % fall-through for triangular mesh recmesh=0; else if (size(y,1)==1), y=y'; end; if (size(x,2)==1), x=x'; end; [mz,nz] = size(z); end; elseif (nargin == 2), [mz,nz] = size(arg1); x = 1:nz; y = [1:mz]'; z = arg1; nv = arg2; elseif (nargin == 1), [mz,nz] = size(arg1); x = 1:nz; y = [1:mz]'; z = arg1; nv = []; end i = find(finite(z)); minz = min(min(z(i))); maxz = max(max(z(i))); % Generate default contour levels if they aren't specified nv=getlevels(z,nv); % Handle interior holes correctly draw_min=0; if any(nv<=minz), draw_min=1; end; % Get the unique levels if (recmesh), % Get the unique levels nv = sort([minz nv maxz]); zi = [1, find(diff(nv))+1]; nv = nv(zi); % Surround the matrix by a very low region to get closed contours, and % replace any NaN with low numbers as well. zz=[ NaN+ones(1,nz+2) ; NaN+ones(mz,1) z NaN+ones(mz,1) ; NaN+ones(1,nz+2)]; kk=find(isnan(zz(:))); zz(kk)=minz-1e4*(maxz-minz)+zeros(size(kk)); xx = [2*x(:,1)-x(:,2), x, 2*x(:,nz)-x(:,nz-1)]; yy = [2*y(1,:)-y(2,:); y; 2*y(mz,:)-y(mz-1,:)]; if (min(size(yy))==1), CS=contoursurf(xx,yy,zz,nv); else CS=contoursurf(xx([ 1 1:mz mz],:),yy(:,[1 1:nz nz]),zz,nv); end; else CS=contourtri(x,z,y,nv,'fill'); end; if length(CS)==0, return; end; % No contours to be drawn! % Find the indices of the curves in the c matrix, and get the % area of closed curves in order to draw patches correctly. ii = 1; ncurves = 0; I = []; Area=[]; while (ii < size(CS,2)), nl=CS(2,ii); ncurves = ncurves + 1; I(ncurves) = ii; x=CS(1,ii+[1:nl]); % First patch y=CS(2,ii+[1:nl]); Area(ncurves)=sum( diff(x).*(y(1:nl-1)+y(2:nl))/2 ); ii = ii + nl + 1; end plot(CS(1,2),CS(2,2),'-'); % Plot patches in order of decreasing size. This makes sure that % all the levels get drawn, no matter if we are going up a hill or % down into a hole. When going down we shift levels - you can % tell whether we are going up or down by checking the sign of the % area (since curves are oriented so that the high side is always % the same side). Lowest curve is largest and always encloses higher % data H=[]; [FA,IA]=sort(-abs(Area)); for jj=IA, nl=CS(2,I(jj)); lev=CS(1,I(jj)); if (lev ~=minz | draw_min ), x=CS(1,I(jj)+[1:nl]); y=CS(2,I(jj)+[1:nl]); if (sign(Area(jj)) ~=sign(Area(IA(1))) ), kk=find(nv==lev); if (kk>1+sum(nv<=minz)*(~draw_min)), lev=nv(kk-1); else lev=NaN; % missing data section end; end; if (finite(lev)), H=[H;patch(x,y,lev,'facecolor','flat','edgecolor','none')]; else H=[H;patch(x,y,lev,'facecolor',get(gcf,'color'),'edgecolor','none')]; end; end; end; if nargout CSO=CS; end